PLEASE help me spread the word that there will again be a Sewickley Area Bus going to the MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington, DC on Friday, January 24. This bus is open to pro-lifers from ALL churches, & families are welcome to bring children!
Sadly, pro-lifers have been sitting on our laurels since the Dobbs decision, whereas the abortionists have been working harder than ever to sell abortion to the American public -- especially to vulnerable and frightened young parents. We who recognize that every human being is equally precious -- at EVERY age! -- need to show our President, our Congress, and our fellow citizens THAT WE STILL KNOW IT'S TOTALLY UNJUST TO KILL OUR UNBORN BROTHERS & SISTERS.
As St. John Paul said in his great speech in 1979 in Washington, DC: "When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, we will stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life." Let us live out St. John Paul's exhortation (in our own small way) by FILLING our bus to this year's March for Life!!
If your health and family/work responsibilities allow you to do so, please march with us for the babies and their moms and dads. If you are not able to march, please encourage others (maybe your children and grandchildren) to go! Please feel free to forward this email and/or give out my contact info.
Here are the details: Bus picks us up at 6AM in the St. James' parking lot and returns us there around 10PM. We make a morning stop in Somerset, long enough to purchase coffee/light breakfast. The pre-March rally begins at Noon, with excellent speakers, followed by the March up to Capitol Hill. Afterwards we catch our bus near the Air&Space Museum. Always a highlight of our homeward trip is being led by our ever-capable bus captain, John Bunce, in singing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
Please feel free to contact me with any questions -- and/or to sign up! :)
Elsie (412-944-8922)
For information on area buses to the rally, contact Elsie.